IHS provides BH2I funding to tribal and urban Indian grantees. The purpose of the BH2I program is to support these organizations in their efforts to develop, implement, and evaluate projects that integrate behavioral health services with primary care to improve community health.
T/TA Tools and Approaches
The T/TA Center’s communication channels for providing technical assistance include coaching calls, responses to emails from grantees, and individual training for grantee staff.
In addition to providing personalized T/TA, the T/TA Center offers T/TA to a cohort of grantees as a group and engages the grantees with one another to promote a Community of Practice. This technical assistance strengthens connections between the grantees and supports networking and the sharing of information and successful implementation strategies.
Other T/TA tools include regular webinars and a newsletter. Further, the T/TA Center hosts an annual grantee meeting to cement the collaborations among the grantees, IHS, and the BH2I T/TA Center. When possible, this convening occurs in person, but it has been held virtually several times due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
See upcoming webinars and previous webinar recordings.
Using lessons learned in working with previous grantees, the T/TA Center has created guiding documents for implementing behavioral health integration projects. This digital toolkit provides access to these tools, which include integrated care and COVID-19 resources, grantee meeting and webinar handouts and recordings, and other information needed for clinics interested in integrated care.