Muscogee (Creek) Nation Pediatrics Clinics

By assessing the service data, the clinics gained a clearer understanding of patient needs.

They found that of the two clinics, the clinic that offered more brief treatments (16- to 32-minute sessions) had better appointment attendance the other clinic, which offered more brief interventions (5- to 15-minute sessions). Based on this data, the program will use the brief treatment model moving forward. This activity is also billable, while brief interventions are not.

South Dakota Urban Indian Health Cultural Healing Program

The South Dakota Urban Indian Health (SDUIH) Cultural Healing Program is growing. This program offers culturally centered programming designed to build upon the cultural strengths of the Oceti Sakowin people.

Choctaw Health and Mental Partnership (CHAMP)

When the BH2I project announcement became available the Health and Social Services Departments reached out to a Licensed Professional Counselor, who had previously worked with JBCI, to help write the grant application. Prior to being awarded the grant, we worked as a team to establish goals which would facilitate our ability to provide behavioral health services within our Health Clinic and improve integration, access, acceptance, and availability for tribal members and their families. For the first year, we set a total of 14 goals in the areas of behavioral health, medical services, collaboration, events, and billing. As of the conclusion of the first quarter, we have made significant strides in reaching 10 of those goals.

Indian Health Center of Santa Clara Valley

In May 2022, the Indian Health Center of Santa Clara Valley (IHC) became the grant recipient for a second round of funding for the Indian Health Service Behavioral Health Integration Initiative (BH2I). BH2I aims to plan, develop, implement, and evaluate behavioral health integration with primary care, community-based settings, and/or integrating primary care, nutrition, diabetes care, and chronic disease management with behavioral health. The purpose of the BH2I grant opportunity is to improve the physical and mental health status of people with behavioral health issues by developing an integrative, coordinated system of care between behavioral health and primary care providers.


This section provides templates, forms, job descriptions, and other administrative documents for grant administration staff. These resources offer guidance on providing program management, staff recruitment, organizational management, and establishment of partnerships with program stakeholders.